but does not do it on tick over my partner had a 325i and his did not have the tapping noise his had done 185000 miles and mine has just done 130000 is it in need of an oil change or is it something internally?
Bmw 318is when i accellerate the engine produces a quikk tapping noise?trojan
More than likely it's not the valves. BMW's use hydraulic lifters and if they are in good condition they prevent valve tapping. They only tap if something is wrong with them, gunked up etc.
My 328i had a tapping sound and it was the purge valve which is below your air intake.
My mechanic hooked it to their computer and did a purge valve test with the engine off, it started tapping, I recognized the sound as the same taping that I was hearing, everything was fine.
Bmw 318is when i accellerate the engine produces a quikk tapping noise?abtuvurys 2005
It's called ''pinking'' or pre-ignition. Either the timing is too far advanced while you are accelerating or the fuel is of too low a grade. However, the former is more likely as there isn't the same choice of grades now that there used to be.
when was the last time you checked the oil
if it only does it for a few seconds on acceleration its 99% going to be whats known as pinking, which is easy to sort, you just need to get timing adjusted, if it,s not sell it, 318.s are known for noisy tappets, get your self a 6 cylinder model, much better.
Possibly the tappets. My old car had noisy tappets that made a noise like that when accelerating.
you need to explain more about what kind of noise and where you think it's coming from, spotting noise sources is hard unless a professional is looking at it. comparing tow different cars they only share the badge is not very smart thing to do....
You have a knock sensor located on the cylinder block this tells your engine management system to automatically adjust the timing and fuelling these sometimes fail a check on a diagnostic tool that you plug into your diagnostic port.
i am having the same problem idid everithing still same problem then last opened engine then they found oilpump chain tensioner was stuck so the counter shaft timing will be changing replaced tensioner/overhauled engine if it is true or wrong give me your replay please by,najmu
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