Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bmw fault over heated fitted a new expansion tank and pipe from it having to put water in all the ti

please can anyone advise

some say head gasket some say air lock my car is 2000 yr 318

no other problems only the water disappearing

no puddles underneath the cat having to put water in every other day about a litre can i stll drive it or will it fail all of a sudden

Bmw fault over heated fitted a new expansion tank and pipe from it having to put water in all the time?nortonantivirus

Check the dip stick for the engine oil in the morning or when the engine is cool , if the oil on the dip stick has a milky colour or has an unusual color then the top cylinder gasket is burnt and it means the water is getting mixed up with engine oil within the engine block. If this is the case the car would still drive but would detioriate and pack up eventually. Second option is to see a specialist who might consider bleeding trapped air out of the cooling radiators.

Bmw fault over heated fitted a new expansion tank and pipe from it having to put water in all the time?spyware

you need to pressurise the syistem to cheack for leaks

if non found replace the cap not just cheak!

cheack oil for milky couler

if you are still no better of then i would say head gasket
This might seem silly, but check the radiator cap. The seal could be bad. It won't cost much to change it.
Have a look at the tailpipe when you start the car and see if you have any water coming out of the end or take off the oil filler cap and see if it has any white sludge on it if you see either it could be a head gasket leaking
Pressurize the cooling system with a pump made for this purpose (or have it done). While under pressure, remove the spark plugs. If they are wet with coolant, you definitely have a head gasket leak.
how about writing a proper sentence for once?
When you are loosing liquid in your cooling system with no visable sight of coolant outside or inside, the most likely place to check is internal consumption.

A good repair shop can narmally do a block check to answer this question.

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